Ep. 19 – “Funk OUT!” OR “The Offal Truth”

It’s HGH Season Two’s senses-shattering, diplomacy-and-pseudoscience-packed, king-sized penultimate episode!

When Cyrus comes down with crystal poisoning, it’s up to Mike and Oppenheimer to get his legs back from Crystallos — but can our heroes survive another kerfuffle and stay alive long enough to make peace between the Crystallosians and Meatlanteans? And where is Commander Funk? (Science fiction/Comedy. 57 minutes)

Written by
Rich Wentworth and Mike McQuilkin

as Dr. Francis “Oppenheimer” Valdini/Commander Funk/Amethystarr
as Mike Wilkinson/Crankcase/Blörp
Lisa McQuilkin as A.S.H. LE
as Higgs_B
Michael Atkinson as Cyrus

With special guests (in order of appearance)
as Zoriath
Robert Cudmore as Zoriath’s Crewman
Katey Falvey as Maggie
Vera Schränkung as High Zenith Lady Rubylith
as Phil, Ultra Apex of Meatlantis
as Mrs. Reynolds/Kid
Rebekah White as Sandy
Paul Gannon as Transdimensional Trig Field Agent Paul
Wendy MacLean as Beth

Featuring musical guests
Electric Street Queens

Special thanks to our Patreon supporters!
If you’d like to get involved, check out –but first, join us in hollering a righteous “FUNK!” at these awesome and totally groovy folks who make our show possible:

Alison Martins
Karl Christian Krumpholz
Nikki Guerlain
Jay Rainha
Arsit Rouke
Jim Ronemus
Jerry Starcevic
Pete Lutz
Mark Jackson
Jef Taylor
Karim Kronfli
Gregory Adams
Isaac Zarsky
Jeffrey Gardner
Sarah Lykins
Michael Hudson
David Mogolov
Seth Williams
Eli McIlveen
Michelle Normandeau
Tova Rabinowitz Deer
Kenneth Toribio
Katie Sheahan
Rosalind M Green-Holmes
Richard Faymonville
Sean O’Connor
Stacey Toon
David Rheinstrom
Kessi Riliniki
Cole A Sytsma
Mark Gallagher
Ian Adams

Ep. 18 – “The Henchmen Club” OR “Waiting For The Dough”

A group of henchmen are hired for a secret job, and are drawn into a series of flashbacks to times they’ve each crossed paths with Mike, Oppenheimer and the Hadron Gang– but why? And who stands to benefit from these sinister recollections?
(Science fiction/Comedy. 40 minutes)

Written by
Michael McQuilkin and Rich Wentworth

Michael McQuilkin as Mike Wilkinson/Ironically Handsome/Barry Starr
Rich Wentworth as Dr. Francis “Oppenheimer” Valdini/Stranger/IG-86/Boss
Lisa McQuilkin as A.S.H. LE
Michael Atkinson as Cyrus
Kevin Harrington as Higgs_B
Wendy MacLean as Beth
Richard Faymonville as Judd
Steve Schneider as Frank Tobleston
Katey Falvey as Concierge Bot/Worker Drone 2
Tim Conway as Worker Drone 1


Ep. 12 – “The Sinister Secret of StarNasty” (OR: “A Mike in the Mechanics”)

When Mike moves into an old dead storage room in the Hadron Bunker, he discovers a mysterious videogame. Two agents from the Transdimensional Trig stake out the Lab.  Mike and Oppenheimer debate pronunciation of videogame titles and a comic book artist. Mike fights for the Users. New information is learned, and quickly forgotten.
(Science fiction/Comedy. 44 minutes)

Written by
Richard Wentworth  and Michael McQuilkin

Michael McQuilkin as Mike Wilkinson
Richard Wentworth as Dr. Francis “Oppenheimer” Valdini/Commander Funk/StarNasty/The Omega Virus
Lisa McQuilkin as A.S.H. LE
Michael Atkinson as Cyrus
Kevin Harrington as Higgs_B
Phoebe Angle as SID
Shawn Carter as TROY 2.0
Paul Gannon as Paul
Steven Lyons as Simmons
Eli Silverman as Eli

With additional sketch material by
Katey Falvey

Note: This episode contains a fragment of Cory Doctorow‘s brilliant novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, used in accordance with Creative Commons license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd-nc/1.0/ Go check out Cory’s books. He’s an amazing futurist and end user rights advocate, and we hear he smells real nice, too!

Starnasty flyer


Ep. 06 – “Hadron Nights OR The Arm Is Afoot”

Oppenheimer has been watching far too much “Baywatch Nights”, and when a valuable item is stolen from the lab, Oppenheimer tries to cajole Mike and A.S.H. LE into starting their own after-hours detective agency. But when the case leads into the rough and tumble worlds beyond the Rift, can the boys and A.S.H. LE solve the case in time? And what’s that mysterious object that’s enslaving audiences at the Officer’s Club in The Palace Casino?

Featuring a “Tales from the Hadron Rift!” sketch segment recorded LIVE at Comicazi in Somerville, MA on January 11th!

Written by
Richard Wentworth and Michael McQUilkin

Richard Wentworth as Dr. Oppenheimer
Michael McQuilkin as Mike Wilkinson/Barry Starr
Lisa McQuilkin as A.S.H. LE
Michael Atkinson as Cyrus/C-Monet
Kevin Harrington as Subdermal Sal
With performances by
Vera Schrankung
Wes Hazard
Matt Chaves

Special Musical Guest
Michael Atkinson and The Affected Area (Mike Atkinson and Richard Wentworth)

Special Thanks to
Sam Kusek, Comicazi, Geek Comedy Night, Siobhan Beasley, R.A. Bartlett, Amy Macabre, Wendy MacLean, Katey Falvey, Rebekah White, Kevin McQuilkin, Amy and Tim Conway, Kris Paukstys, Jason Squamata, Keven Undergaro, Phil Svitek, Rashmi Dayalu, Bob Wilson, Jef Taylor, Don and Eric Schulze, Chris Borger, Jen Sullivan, Sean O’Connor, Tim Gleason, Bridget Marshall and Jake Bridge, and everyone who attended our first “Tales from the Hadron Rift!” event at Comicazi!

Photo by Katey Falvey. L-R: Michael McQuilkin, Richard Wentworth, Matt Chaves

Photo by Katey Falvey. L-R: Michael McQuilkin, Richard Wentworth, Matt Chaves

Photo by Katey Falvey. From L-R: Michael McQuilkin, Kevin Harrington, Matt Chaves, Richard Wentworth

Photo by Katey Falvey. From L-R: Michael McQuilkin, Kevin Harrington, Matt Chaves, Richard Wentworth

Photo by Katey Falvey. From L-R: Siobhan Beasley, Amy Macabre, Wes Hazard, Kevin Harrington, Michael Atkinson, Richard Wentworth, Michael McQuilkin, Vera Schrankung

Photo by Katey Falvey. From L-R: Siobhan Beasley, Amy Macabre, Wes Hazard, Kevin Harrington, Michael Atkinson, Richard Wentworth, Michael McQuilkin, Vera Schrankung